Monday 27 July 2015

When the ticcs are down

Most people who know me know when I'm quiet there's something else going on.
It could be obsessing, intrusive thoughts, anxiety or illness.
What i have learnt is that my conditions are on a scale if one is down the other is up so i never have a break completely.
Lately I've been in a lot of pain with my neck and leg this has taken my focus and my Ticcs are down and i have to see it as a silver lining as i don't get many when it comes to my conditions

Expectations meeting Me

Most people who know i have Tourette's before they meet me have expectations.
They expect to hear swearing shouting lots of movements and gestures.
I think they expect a bit of a show based upon what they have seen on TV or what peoples perception of Tourette's is 
Their disappointment is sometimes very obvious and most people say they thought i would be swearing and shouting some even ask me to ticc.
These people then think my Tourette's isnt that bad.
What people don't understand is that when i meet new people i suppress as not everyone with Tourette's ticc under pressure meeting new people some of us suppress most of the time its unintentional.
You cant judge people by what you see and you cant judge by what you think you know and as I've always said what you see of most people with Tourette's is just the tip of the iceberg

Other challenges posed by Tourette's

Most people think Tourettes is about shouting, swearing and uncontrolled  movements
The more knowledgeable know it's goes a bit deeper and that we can also have other conditions such as adhd, ocd etc
What isn't realised by most is the effects on our mental health from constant ticcs and what we feel others think of us
The thing least realised is the physical effects
Bad neck from neck ticcs
Bad joints from leg and arm ticcs
Aching eyes from eye ticcs
Sore throat and nose from sniffing, grunting and coughing ticcs
The list is endless
Once diagnosed with tourettes we normally find these problem caused by or worsened by out ticcs are not treated the same way as they would if there were stand alone problems
The best line I've heard over and over is
"I'd love to have tourettes I could get away with alsorts "
No you wouldn't to both and it's no fun at all

Monday 20 July 2015

Just as we get used to a Ticc it decides to change

So my nck ticc has decided tobecome a contortion
This is causing extreme pain and limited movement
i have joint pain, tendonitis and muscle pain
nnow when i move my head i certain positions i get a shock and al,ost pass out
the ever changing problems our Tourettes causes to keep us on our toes so we never get used to our ticcs

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Sports Day

Attended my 9yr olds sports day today
i know before i even leave the house this is going to be awkward but i believe i live with Tourette's not suffer from it.
Also ADHD OCD and my Defiance disorder pushes me to do it.
luckily or not i have a leg injury causing much pain which seems to be concentrating my mind on the pain making my vocal ticcs a bit easier to suppress
So many thing at a sports day within a school that can trigger ticcs off, its a minefield
Once within the perimeter of the school and earshot of parents, teachers and children my ticcs become more innapropriate than usual
My tourette's brain scans constantly for things to ticc at, i am aware off them and able to stifle most of them or satisfy them by mumbling them out
My camera is a double edge sword, on one hand its a good focus on the other it can set ticcs of such as 'im a peado with a camera' and 'im taking pics of little kids'
i spot a teacher with no bra on 'peanut smuggling' comes out luckily only and older man hears and laughs
People with Tourettes seem to spot things most people dont and our ticcs point these things out
Someone asked who the new head teacher  was so i pointed out its the man with red socks
Now you only catch his red socks occasionally when he walks so why did i pick up on that as a description.
i got through without causing problems or standing out too much suppressing has left me a bit stressed but worth it.
I did look about fealing a little jealous that the other parents can just come along and enjoy this day with no real hardship
This is the life we lead and everyone has their own battles through daily life some big some small and this is one of mine

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Tourette's and the Dark Side of the Moon

If asked to describe the moon to someone who had never seen it how would most people describe it? 
Its sits in the sky is mainly round and bright and depending what time of month it is it gets smaller, changes shape and then grows again through the next month, you will only see some of the moon unless it’s a full moon and then you see all of it
So when asked to describe Tourette’s syndrome does the thing happens. 
People generally say.
Tourette’s is a neurological tic disorder consisting of various motor and vocal tics. 
The description may go further and describe some of the tics in more detail but that’s normally how far it goes.
Not many people when they describe the moon mention the parts of the moon nobody really sees or talks about, the dark side the side that is in shadow. 
They don’t go into detail that the moon waxes and wanes it has craters and how it orbits the Earth. 
Why am I making this comparison? 
Just because we can’t see the dark side of the moon doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist just because people don’t see all sides of Tourette’s syndrome it doesn’t mean we don’t suffer from it. 
I have Tourette’s syndrome and if I was to describe my Tourette’s to someone I would start much the same as anyone else. 
I have Tourette’s syndrome I have vocal tics I might swear I might say something inappropriate sometime just sounds or random sentences. 
I have physical tics neck jerking, eye rolling, skipping and punching I have quite a few different ones. 
The sides not normally mentioned the 'dark sides'
I also suffer from OCD, ADHD, ODD, Intrusive thoughts, hyperkinetic disorder, and Anxiety and you will find a lot of people with Tourette’s suffer from some or all of these too. 
I do at times come to harm due to my intrusive thoughts and OCD coming together. 
I spend most of my day avoiding thing that will bring me to harm or cause me to do things I don’t want to do, such as I avoid post boxes as I will post my phone and wallet or I will move away from my laptop so I don’t break it. 
My OCD isn’t just about cleaning or locking doors I can obsess on anything in my day to day life. 
I do have a level of intelligence but find it almost impossible to learn mainstream but can learn a lot my own way which can be quite challenging. 
People who know me don’t tell me not to do things as it makes it more likely for me to do it whether it’s not saying something or doing something. 
In conclusion I have found when I tell people about my Tourette’s some are interested to find out its more than they realised and others just don’t accept anything other than Tics are part of the condition. 
Employers and some Schools are probably the hardest to convince. 
If we had awareness of all sides of Tourette’s and the related conditions the sufferers would find it easier to accept it themselves and would find other people would accept and understand it more.